“As a well-spent day brings
happy sleep, so a life well
used brings happy death.”
Leonardo Da Vinci
Transitioning from this life is never easy. However, it can be made comfortable and fulfilled with palliative care, a branch of medicine that specialises in improving the quality of life of individuals living with life-limiting illnesses.
Palliative care is not limited to end-of-life care. It also aims to help patients and families in other aspects of passing on such as providing emotional and spiritual support as well as nurturing optimism.
Read MoreWith empathy and compassion as our guiding beliefs, the Kasih Hospice Foundation (KHF) is a non-profit organisation established in 1997 to provide the best care and support to palliative patients and their families.
Since then, we have grown in size, dedication, and commitment to easing difficult times with greater efforts in delivering positive experiences when faced with the reality of passing.
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